City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

Section 511. Structures on piers

511.1 Definitions.

In this section, "pier" means any pier, wharf, dock, bulkhead, breakwater, piles, or other similar structure.

511.2 General.

Every structure that is constructed on a pier must comply with the requirements of this § 511 and all other applicable provisions of this Code and other law.

511.3 Chapter 28 of NFPA 1.

The pier and structure must comply with Chapter 28 {"Marinas and Boatyards, Marine Terminals, Piers, and Wharves"} of NFPA 1, Fire Code (2018 Edition), subject to the requirements of the Fire Code Official and the Building Official.

511.3.1 Chapter 6 of NFPA 25.

Flow tests must be conducted under Table and § of NFPA 25, Standard for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems (2017 Edition), annually (rather than, as otherwise there stated, every 5 years).

511.4 Pier material.

The pier must be made of or encased by non-combustible materials. The structure on the pier must be of Type I, Type II, or Type III construction.

511.5 Sprinkler protection.

The entire structure on the pier must be sprinkled.

511.6 Separation.

The separation between structures on a pier must be at least 30 feet.

511.7 Standpipes and hydrants.

Standpipes (Fire Department Connections) must be provided on the pier at least every 100 feet. Hydrants must be installed within 100 feet of a standpipe.

511.8 Emergency vehicle access.

All piers with structures must provide access for emergency vehicles on the promenade, a road, or other appropriate space. This access must be designed and configured to accommodate fire, ambulance, and other emergency vehicles. Access for emergency vehicles must be provided to within at least 300 feet of the farthest edge of the structure. The fire lane must be at least 20 feet wide.

511.9 Fire boat access.

Access for fire boats must be provided to within at least 50 feet of the farthest edge of the structure. The water depth of that access must be at least 10 feet (mean low water mark).

511.10 Tie-ups.

Marina slips are prohibited within 30 feet of any structure on a pier. Transient (i.e., hourly or daily) tie-ups along a bulkhead are only allowed adjacent to commercial structures and no closer than 15 feet from the structure.