Section 1001.4. Construction Operations and Start-Up Requirements
1001.4.1 Erosion and Sedimation Control (ESC). {Not Adopted}
1001.4.2 IAQ Construction Management.
Develop and implement an IAQ construction management plan to include the following:
a. through c. {As in IgCC}
b. PreK-12 schools and health-care projects.
For preK-12 schools and health-care projects, after construction ends, prior to occupancy and with all interior finishes installed, a postconstruction, preoccupancy building flush-out, as described in § 1001.7.1, or a postconstruction, preoccupancy baseline IAQ monitoring, as described in § 1001.7.2, must be performed
1001.4.3 through 1001.4.5 {As in IgCC}