Section 102. Applicability
102.1 Code conflicts. {As in IgCC}
102.2 Other laws. {As in IgCC}
102.3 Application of references. {As in IgCC}
102.4 Referenced codes.
The following codes, as modified by Baltimore City, are considered part of the requirements of this Code:
1. the International Building Code (2021 Edition),
2. the National Electrical Code (2020 Edition),
3. the International Fuel Gas Code (2021 Edition),
4. the International Mechanical Code (2021 Edition),
5. the International Plumbing Code (2021 Edition),
6. the International Property Maintenance Code (2021 Edition),
7. the International Fire Code (2021 Edition),
8. the International Energy Conservation Code (2021 Edition),
9. the International Residential Code (2021 Edition),
10. the International Swimming Pool and Spa Code (2021 Edition); and
11. the Zoning Code of Baltimore City.
102.4.1 Conflicting provisions. {As in IgCC}
102.4.2 Application of referenced standards. {As in IgCC}
102.5 Partial invalidity. {As in IgCC}
102.6 Existing structures.
The legal occupancy of any structure existing on this Code's effective date is permitted to continue without change, except:
1. as specifically covered in this Code, Maryland Building Performance Standards, the International Building Code, the International Property Maintenance Code, or the International Fire Code, or
2. as deemed necessary by the Code Official for the general safety and welfare of the structure's occupants and the public.
102.7 Mixed occupancy buildings. {As in IgCC}