Section 104. Duties and Powers of Code Official
104.1 General. {As in IgCC}
104.2 Applications and permits. {As in IgCC}
104.3 Notices and orders. {As in IgCC}
104.4 Inspections. {As in IgCC}
104.4.1 Right of entry.
The Code Official may enter any structure or premises at reasonable times to inspect, subject to constitutional restrictions on unreasonable searches and seizures. If entry is refused or not obtained, the Code Official may pursue recourse as provided by law, including § 104 {"...Powers of Building Official"} of the Baltimore City Building Code.
104.5 Exemptions.
The Code Official may, in unusual circumstances and only on good cause shown, grant an exemption from any requirement of this Code based on:
1. substantial evidence of a practical infeasibility or hardship in meeting a required standard,
2. a determination that the public interest would not be served by requiring compliance with the requirement, or
3. other compelling circumstances, as determined by the Code Official.
104.5.1 Burden on applicant.
The applicant has the burden to establish the requisite basis for an exemption under this section.
104.5.2 Consideration of other standards.
Before the Code Official grants an exemption under this section, the Code Official must consider whether another standard is practicable and should be required in place of the exempted standard.