Section 501.3. Mandatory Provisions
501.3.1 Site Selection. {As in IgCC}
501.3.2 Predesign Site Inventory and Assessment. {As in IgCC}
501.3.3 Plants.
501.3.3.1 Invasive Plants. {As in IgCC}
501.3.3.2 Greenfield Sites.
a. More than 20% existing native or adapted plants: {As in IgCC}
b. Less than 20% existing native or adapted plants:
1. {As inIgCC}
2. A minimum of 50% of the vegetated area must consist of biodiverse planting of native plants and/or adapted plants other than turfgrass.
Exception: {As in IgCC}
501.3.4 Stormwater Management. {As in IgCC}
501.3.5 Mitigation of Heat Island Effect.
501.3.5.1 Site Hardscape.
At least 40% of the site hardscape that is not covered by solar energy systems must be provided with any one or combination of the following:
a. through f. {As in IgCC}
501.3.5.2 Walls. {Not Adopted}
501.3.5.3 Roofs.
501. In general.
This section applies to the building and covered parking roof surfaces for building projects.
501. Required Coverage.
A minimum of 75% of the roof surface must be covered with products that:
a. have a minimum 3-year-aged SRI of 78 in accordance with § 501.3.5.4 for roofs with a slope of less than or equal to 2:12; and
b. have a minimum 3-year-aged SRI of 25 in accordance with § 501.3.5.4 for roofs with a slope of more than 2:12.
501. Areas Excluded from Calculation of Roof Surface Area.
The area occupied by one or more of the following is excluded from the calculation to determine the roof surface area required to comply with this section:
a. Roof penetrations and associated equipment.
b. On-site renewable energy systems, including photovoltaics, solar thermal energy collectors, and required access around the panels or collectors.
c. Portions of the roof used to capture heat for building energy technologies.
d. Roof decks and rooftop walkways.
e. Vegetated terrace and roofing systems complying with § 501.3.5.5.
Exceptions: {As in IgCC}
501.3.5.4 Solar Reflectance Index (SRI). {As in IgCC}
501.3.5.5 Vegetated Terrace and Roofing Systems. {As in IgCC}
501.3.6 Reduction of Light Pollution. {As in IgCC}
501.3.7 Mitigation of Transportation Impacts.
501.3.7.1 Pedestrian and Bicycle Connectivity. {As in IgCC}
501.3.7.2 Bicycle Parking.
501. Minimum Number of Spaces. {As in IgCC}
1. and 2. {As in IgCC}
3. Education occupancy grades 3 and below.
501. Location. {As in IgCC}
501. Horizontal Parking Racks.. {As in IgCC}
501. Ability to Lock. {As in IgCC}
501. Security and Visibility. {As in IgCC}
501. Documentation. {As in IgCC}
501.3.7.3 Site Vehicle Provisions. {As in IgCC}
501.3.8 Building Site Waste Management Plan. {As in IgCC}