City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

Section 601.3. Mandatory Provisions

601.3.1 Site Water Use Reduction.

601.3.1.1 Landscape Design.

A minimum 50% of the area of the improved landscape shall be in biodiverse planning of native plants and rainfall-ET compatible plants.

Exceptions: {As in IgCC}

601.3.1.2 Irrigation. {As in IgCC}

601. through 601. {As in IgCC}

601.3.2 Building Water Reuse Reduction.

601.3.2.1 Plumbing Fixtures and Fittings.

Plumbing fixtures and fittings must:

1. reduce aggregate calculated water consumption by 30%, as documented in the Baltimore Green Building checklist; or

2. provide fixtures (water closets and urinals) and fittings (faucets and showerheads) that comply with the following requirements, as shown in Table 601.3.2.1:

a. through  j. {As in IgCC}

601.3.2.2 Appliances. {As in IgCC}

601.3.2.3 HVAC Systems and Equipment. {As in IgCC}

601.3.2.4 Roofs. {As in IgCC}

601.3.2.5 Commercial Food Service Operations. {As in IgCC}

601.3.2.6 Medical Laboratory Facilities. {As in IgCC}

601.3.3 Hot Water Distribution. {As in IgCC}

601.3.4 Special Water Features. {As in IgCC}

601.3.5 Water Consumption Measurement. {Not Adopted}

601.3.6 Water Softeners. {As in IgCC}

601.3.7 Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment. {As in IgCC}

601.3.8 On-site Reclaimed Water Treatment Systems. {As in IgCC}

601.3.9 Dual Water Supply Plumbing. {Not Adopted}