City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

Section 701.4. Prescriptive option

701.4.1 General Comprehensive Prescriptive Requirements. {As in IgCC}

701.4.1.1 On-Site Renewable Energy Systems. {Not Adopted}

701.4.2 Building Envelope. {As in IgCC}

701.4.3 Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning. {As in IgCC}

701.4.3.1 Minimum Equipment Efficiencies for the Alternate Renewables Approach. {Not Adopted}

701.4.3.2 through 701.4.3.9 {As in IgCC}

701.4.4 Service Water Heating. {As in IgCC}

701.4.4.1 Equipment Efficiency for the Alternate Renewable Approach. {Not Adopted}

701.4.4.2 Buildings with High-Capacity Water Heating Systems. {As in IgCC}

701.4.4.3 Insulation for Spa Pools. {As in IgCC}

701.4.5 Power. {As in IgCC}

701.4.6 Lighting. {As in IgCC}

701.4.7 Other Equipment. {As in IgCC}

701.4.7.1 Equipment Efficiency for the Alternate Renewables Approach. {Not Adopted}

701.4.7.2 Supermarket Heat Recovery. {As in IgCC}

701.4.7.3 ENERGY STAR Equipment. {As in IgCC}

701. ENERGY STAR Requirements for Equipment Covered by Federal Appliance Efficiency Regulations (All Building Projects). {As in IgCC}

701. {Not adopted}

701.4.7.4 Programmable Thermostats. {As in IgCC}

701.4.7.5 Refrigerated Display Cases. {As in IgCC}

701.4.7.6 Elevator Power Conversion System. {As in IgCC}

701.4.7.7 Pump Efficiency. {As in IgCC}

701.4.8 Energy Cost Budget. {Not Adopted}