City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

Section 801.4. Prescriptive option

801.4.1 Day lighting.

801.4.1.1 Daylighting in large spaces directly under a roof and having high ceilings. {As in IgCC}

801. through 801. {Not Adopted}

801.4.2 Materials. {As in IgCC}

801.4.2.1 Adhesives and Sealants. {As in IgCC}

801.4.2.2 Paints and Coatings. {As in IgCC}

801.4.2.3 Floor Covering Materials. {As in IgCC}

801. Deemed to Comply. {As in IgCC}

801.4.2.4 Composite Wood, Wood Structural Panel, and Agrifiber Products. {As in IgCC}

801.4.2.5 Office Furniture Systems and Seating. {Not Adopted}

801.4.2.6 Ceiling and Wall Assemblies. {Not Adopted}

801.4.2.7 Insulation. {Not Adopted}

801.4.3 Lighting for Presentations. {Not Adopted}