City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 4-205. Submission before publication.

(a) Initial submission.

(1) Department of Legislative Reference.

(i) Before submitting a proposed regulation for inclusion in the Register, an agency shall submit the following to the Department of Legislative Reference for revision and approval of style and format:

(A) the text of a proposed regulation; and

(B) a Notice of Regulation Development in the form and with the content required by the Director.

(ii) Upon receipt of the materials described in paragraph (1) of this subsection, the Department of Legislative Reference shall forward the Notice of Regulation Development to the City Solicitor for initial approval as to the legal authority to promulgate regulations.

(2) City Administrator; City Solicitor.

After a proposed regulation is approved by the Department of Legislative Reference as required by paragraph (1) of this subsection, an agency shall then submit the proposed regulation to:

(i) the City Solicitor for approval as to form and legal sufficiency; and

(ii) the City Administrator for approval.

(b) Effect of noncompliance.

If an agency fails to comply with this section or if the Department of Legislative Reference or the City Solicitor fails to approve the regulation as specified in subsection (a):

(1) the proposed regulation may not be adopted; and

(2) if adopted, is not effective.