City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 10-602. Importation of wild rabbits and hares.

(a) "Wild rabbit or hare" defined.

In this section, "wild rabbit or hare" means any rabbit or hare that has not been bred and supervised in a properly maintained rabbitry.

(b) Prohibited conduct.

Except as specified in subsection (b) of this section, no person may:

(1) bring or import into the City, for sale, any wild rabbit or hare, dead or alive; or

(2) sell or offer for sale in the City any imported wild rabbit or hare, dead or alive.

(c) Exceptions.

This section does not apply to the importation of wild rabbits or hares by the following, if done in conformity with the regulations of the Commissioner:

(1) an animal show or zoological park licensed under this title and regulated by a Maryland or federal agency; or

(2) a laboratory where scientific research is carried out under regulation of a Maryland or federal agency.