§ 10-702. Dangerous animals.
(a) "Dangerous animal" defined.
"Dangerous animal" means any animal that:
(1) has bitten or attacked a human being or another animal without provocation;
(2) exhibits aggressive or dangerous behavior and is not adequately confined or restrained;
(3) is known or suspected to be an animal exposed to rabies and is not adequately confined or restrained; or
(4) requires confinement or restraints to protect the health, safety, or welfare of the public.
(b) Hearing.
The Animal Hearing Panel must determine if an animal is a dangerous animal in accordance with the hearing procedures of Subtitle 10 of this title.
(c) Restraints required.
Except as otherwise ordered by the Animal Hearing Panel, every dangerous animal must be:
(1) maintained in a building or secure enclosure on the premises of its owner or custodian; and
(2) whenever outside of the building or enclosure:
(i) securely caged;
(ii) securely muzzled and leashed; or
(iii) restrained by any other appropriate method required by the Panel.
(d) Other requirements.
An owner or custodian of an animal found to be a dangerous animal must:
(1) have the animal microchiped and altered at the owner's or custodian's expense;
(2) display a "dangerous animal" sign, visible to the public, on the property where the animal is kept;
(3) if the animal is kept outside of the dwelling, install a perimeter fence on the property or a portion of the property;
(4) notify the Office if the animal is loose, has bitten another domesticated animal or human being, or has violated any other requirements of this title;
(5) notify the Office if the animal has died or is being relocated to another jurisdiction; and
(6) before transferring ownership or custody of the dangerous animal to another:
(i) notify the Office in writing of the name and address of the new owner or custodian; and
(ii) notify the new owner or custodian of the animal's dangerous behavior.
(e) Animals determined dangerous by another jurisdiction.
(1) Animals determined dangerous by another jurisdiction are automatically considered dangerous in the City.
(2) The owner or custodian must immediately notify the Office if any animal determined dangerous in another jurisdiction is transported into the City.
(3) If another jurisdiction defines "dangerous animal" differently than as defined in this section or makes a determination using a term other than "dangerous", the Animal Hearing Panel must determine if the criteria used in the other jurisdiction is appropriate for the animal to be considered dangerous in the City.
(f) Exceptions.
This section does not apply to:
(1) an animal show or zoological park licensed under this title and regulated by a Maryland or federal agency; or
(2) a laboratory where scientific research is carried out under regulation of a Maryland or federal agency.