§ 10-913. General limitations on use.
Whenever a horse is being used for any purpose on the streets of the City, the custodian of the horse:
(1) must treat the horse in a humane manner, never beat or prod it in any way that will cause pain or injury to the horse, and never intentionally, knowingly, or obviously be cruel to the horse;
(2) may not use, work, drive, ride, or require labor from the horse for more than 10 hours in any 24-hour period, without adequate rest periods during those 10 hours;
(3) at reasonable intervals, must permit the horse to have food and drinking water from a clean container that is of sufficient size and in good condition;
(4) during times of cold or inclement weather, must drape the body of the horse, from forelegs to hind legs, with a warm covering that is in good condition;
(5) must attend the horse at all times, as follows:
(i) if the horse is only being used for riding purposes, it must be securely tied to an immovable object or held, led, or mounted by an individual who is physically able to maintain full control of the horse; and
(ii) if the horse is being used for any other driving purpose, it must be within 75 feet of its custodian and within the custodian's sight;
(6) may not overdrive or overload the horse, as evidenced by physical stress, strain, or exhaustion of the horse; and
(7) must obey any order issued by the Commissioner that relates to the care and treatment of the horse.