City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 4-303. Physician's contact investigation.

(a) Duty to conduct.

A physician who treats a patient with tuberculosis must:

(1) thoroughly investigate all individuals who might have been exposed to the patient at home, work, or otherwise; or

(2) request the Commissioner to undertake this investigation.

(b) Duty to report.

If the physician undertakes the investigation required by this section, the physician must report the results to the Commissioner.

(c) Contents of report.

In addition to any other information that the Commissioner requires, the report must contain:

(1) evidence that an investigation has been thoroughly conducted;

(2) the identity of the source case; and

(3) the following information about each individual tested:

(i) the date and type of test performed;

(ii) the results of the test; and

(iii) the personal information listed in § 4-102 {"Form and contents of reports"} of this title.