§ 4-403. Examinations of individuals.
(a) Scope of section.
(1) Except as specified in paragraph (2) of this subsection, this section applies to any individual:
(i) who has or whom the Commissioner of Health suspects on reasonable grounds of having a communicable disease;
(ii) who is or whom the Commissioner suspects on reasonable grounds of being a communicable disease carrier; or
(iii) who is or whom the Commissioner suspects on reasonable grounds of having been in contact with any individual described in item (i) or (ii) of this subsection.
(2) This section may not be applied to interfere with any individual who is a bona fide practicing Christian Scientist and who receives treatment from registered Christian Science practitioners.
(b) Examination required.
On request of the Commissioner, any individual described in subsection (a) of this section must, for the purpose of determining if she or he has a communicable disease or is a carrier:
(1) undergo a medical examination; and
(2) submit specimens of body fluids, secretion, excretion, or discharge for laboratory examination.
(c) By whom made.
The medical examination may be made by:
(1) the Commissioner or a physician selected by the Commissioner; or
(2) at the option of the individual to be examined, any physician qualified to make this sort of examination.
(d) Report of physician.
The examining physician must promptly report the results of the examination to the Commissioner.