§ 8-111. Definitions.
(a) In general.
The following words and phrases when used within this Part II, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, shall have the meaning ascribed to them in this section.
(b) Air Monitoring Contractor.
"Air Monitoring Contractor" means an environmental engineer certified by the City to design, install, operate, and maintain the Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems required by this Part II.
(c) Commercial solid waste incinerator; Facility.
"Commercial solid waste incinerator" or "facility" means any facility in Baltimore City that produces energy or disposes of waste by combusting a solid fuel or waste, or gases produced on-site from the gasification or pyrolysis of a solid fuel or waste, and that is capable of processing at least 25 tons of solid fuel or waste per day.
(d) Continuous Emissions Monitoring System; CEMS.
(1) In general.
"Continuous Emissions Monitoring System" or "CEMS" means a pollution monitoring system capable of sampling, conditioning, analyzing, and providing a record of emissions at frequent intervals that meets U.S. Environmental Protection Agency or Maryland Department of the Environment data acquisition and availability requirements.
(2) Sampling frequency.
Except as specified in paragraph (3) of this subsection, the sampling frequency capability sufficient to qualify a system as a CEMS for the purposes of this Part II must at a minimum deliver a monitoring sample:
(i) once per minute; or
(ii) any lesser frequency of interval, up to no less than once per hour, that provides sufficient data for a direct determination of compliance with all applicable emission limitations imposed by this Part II.
(3) Dioxin and furan sampling.
In the case of dioxins and furans, long-term sampling equipment may be used if real-time monitors are not commercially available, so long as year-round monitoring is still achieved through back-to-back use of long-term monthly samples.
(e) {Repealed}
(f) Solid fuel; Waste.
"Solid fuel" or "waste" means any solid waste, discarded material, recyclable materials, sludges, by-products, commercial chemical products, municipal waste, hazardous waste, biomass, processed debris, special medical waste, sterilized special medical waste, sewage sludge, scrap tires, auto shredder residue, refuse-derived fuel, processed engineered fuel, or solid fuel produced from municipal waste.
(g) TEQDF-WHO98.
"TEQDF-WHO98" means a unit of measurement for dioxins and furans, standardized to toxic equivalents, calculated in accordance with the World Health Organization's 1998 method.