City of Baltimore
Charter of Baltimore City

§ 11. Sustainability and related funds.

(a) Authorization.

By Ordinance, the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore may establish 1 or more continuing, nonlapsing funds for purposes of promoting sustainability, maintaining and establishing parks and other open spaces, and cleaning and preserving the natural environment within the City of Baltimore, including:

(1) supporting the activities of a City office of sustainability and of other offices necessary or appropriate for these purposes and goals;

(2) performing educational outreach on these purposes and goals;

(3) providing assistance by loan, grant, or otherwise to individuals and organizations undertaking activities to further these purposes and goals; and

(4) conducting research to advance theses purposes and goals.

(b) Revenue sources.

A fund established under this section may comprise:

(1) money appropriated to the fund in the annual Ordinances of Estimates; and

(2) grants or donations made to the fund.

(c) Continuing nature of fund.

Notwithstanding any other provision of this Charter, unspent portions of a fund established under this section:

(1) remain in the fund, to be used exclusively for their ordained purposes;

(2) do not revert to the general revenues of the City; and

(3) their appropriations do not lapse.