City of Baltimore
Charter of Baltimore City

§ (64). "Child First" Authority.

(a) In general.

To establish by ordinance an authority known as "Child First" that uses existing facilities for the purpose of providing recreational, cultural, and other enrichment programs for children.

(b) Nature of Authority.

The Authority established under this section:

(1) is an independent unit of the Baltimore City government;

(2) shall have those powers and duties consistent with the purposes of the Authority, delegated through the ordinance that the City itself could otherwise exercise; and

(3) is exempt from those laws or procedures that would otherwise apply to any unit of the Baltimore City government to the extent exempted by the ordinance.

(c) Powers of Authority.

The Authority established under this section:

(1) shall have a management board and executive director as prescribed in the ordinance adopted under this section;

(2) may sue or be sued;

(3) may acquire, lease, or hold property for the purposes of the Authority;

(4) may incur limited obligation debt that shall be an obligation solely of the Authority if authorized by the ordinance;

(5) may employ staff or contract for any services necessary to carry out the purposes of the Authority;

(6) may adopt bylaws and regulations concerning the operation of the Authority;

(7) may establish fees necessary for the operation of the Authority;

(8) may make contracts of any kind and execute any instrument necessary to carry out the purposes of the Authority;

(9) may accept from any public or private entity grants or other revenue necessary to carry out the purposes of the Authority; and

(10) shall have any additional powers granted under and subject to the ordinance enacted under this section.

(d) City funding and services.

The Mayor and the City Council are authorized to provide funding for the Authority and any services through the City government that are deemed appropriate to assist the Authority in its operations.