City of Baltimore
Charter of Baltimore City

§ 106. Board of Ethics: Established; Composition.

(a) Board established.

There is a Board of Ethics to be known as the Board of Ethics of Baltimore City.

(b) Composition.

The Board of Ethics shall consist of five members:

(1) Three members shall be appointed by the Mayor in conformity with Section 6 of Article IV of the Charter.

(2)(i) The Mayor and the City Solicitor are members ex officio with full voting powers.

(ii) The Mayor may designate a municipal official appointed by him under the provisions of Section 6 of Article IV of the Charter to serve in his position as a member with full voting powers.

(iii) The City Solicitor may designate a member of the Solicitor's staff to serve in his position as a member with full voting powers.

(c) Term of ex officio members.

The City Solicitor and the Mayor or their designees on the Board shall only serve during the time that the Mayor or City Solicitor holds elected or appointed office.