§ 6. Appointments of municipal officers.
(a) Appointment subject to confirmation.
Except as otherwise provided in the Charter, the Mayor shall have the sole power of appointment of all municipal officers, subject to confirmation by the City Council by a majority vote of its members; provided the Council shall take action on the nomination within the first three regular meetings of the Council after the nomination is sent to it by the Mayor. If the Council fails to take action within this time, then the person nominated shall be, by operation of this subsection, confirmed by the Council. If the Council, by the required vote and in the prescribed time, shall refuse to confirm the nomination, the Mayor shall send to it another name for the office, who shall be subject to confirmation pursuant to this subsection.
(b) Terms of officers.
The terms of all municipal officers appointed by the Mayor shall expire at the end of four years or at the end of the Mayor's term of office, whichever first occurs, with the exception of the terms of the City Administrator, the Police Commissioner, and some members of the Board of School Commissioners, the Civil Service Commission, the Planning Commission, the Board of Municipal and Zoning Appeals, the advisory board established by Article X, Section 2 of this Charter, and those boards and commissions governed by State or federal law. The terms of the City Administrator, the Police Commissioner, and the members of these boards and commissions are prescribed elsewhere in the Charter or by other law.
(c) Removal – In general.
The Mayor shall have the power to remove at pleasure all municipal officers, except members of boards and commissions established by Charter or other law, appointed by the Mayor in the manner prescribed in this section and confirmed by the City Council; provided, however, that appointees holding office pursuant to the provisions of the Charter relating to the Civil Service may be removed from office only in accordance with such provisions.
(d) Removal – Boards and commissions.
Except as otherwise provided by law, the Mayor may remove members of boards and commissions established by Charter or other law by majority vote of the members of the City Council. Removal shall date from the time of City Council approval.
(e) Term limits.
No person, except ex officio members, shall serve more than two consecutive full terms, in addition to any unexpired term served, on the same board or commission.
(f) Vacancies – In general.
Upon the vacancy in any office subject to this section, whether by resignation, removal, death, end of a term or otherwise, the Mayor shall fill the vacancy by an appointment in the manner prescribed in this section for the remainder of the term, if any, of the former incumbent.
(g) Vacancies – Boards and commissions.
When a vacancy occurs on a board or commission established by this Charter, or other law, the Mayor shall have, for 120 days after the occurrence of that vacancy, the sole power of appointment to the vacant office. Such appointment shall be subject to confirmation by the City Council in the manner prescribed in this section.
If the Mayor fails to submit a nomination within the time prescribed in this subsection, the power of appointment shall vest and be held by the board or commission to which the vacancy shall apply, and that board or commission, by majority vote, shall certify the name of a person to the City Council for confirmation in the manner prescribed in this section.
For the purposes of this subsection only, a vacancy shall occur upon the occurrence of an event enumerated in subsection (f) hereof, and also upon the rejection by the City Council of a nomination to a board or commission.
This subsection is not applicable to the advisory board established by Article X, Section 2 of this Charter.
(h) Vacancies – Office of director or similar.
When a vacancy occurs in an office to which a municipal officer may be appointed who is subject to removal as provided in subsection (c), the Mayor may, in the interest of governmental efficiency and in order to provide uninterrupted municipal services, designate a person within the department or agency affected to perform the duties of the vacant office. Such a person shall cease to perform the duties of the office when a municipal officer is appointed and confirmed in the manner prescribed in this section, or one year after designation, or sixty days after the City Council shall by resolution, passed by majority vote and not subject to veto, direct the Mayor to appoint, subject to confirmation, a municipal officer, whichever first occurs; provided, however, that the City Council shall have no power to direct the appointment of any individual.
(i) Oath and commission.
All persons appointed by the Mayor, as well as those municipal officers elected by the people or by the City Council, shall qualify for office by taking before the Mayor an oath faithfully to perform the duties of their offices, and to support the laws and constitutions of the United States and of the State of Maryland. A test book shall be kept by the Mayor, which shall be signed at the time of taking the oath, and after qualifying, the Mayor shall issue to the officers a commission signed by the Mayor with the corporate seal attached.
(j) Recess appointments.
Whenever a vacancy that the Mayor is empowered to fill subject to confirmation by the City Council shall occur during the recess of the City Council, the Mayor may temporarily appoint a person to fill that vacancy until the next regular meeting of the City Council. At that meeting, the Mayor shall present such appointment for confirmation as provided for in this section for other appointments by the Mayor.
(k) Holding over; Dual offices of profit prohibited.
All elected municipal officers provided for in the Charter or other law, shall hold their offices until their successors are appointed or elected and qualified.
No person shall at any time hold more than one office yielding pecuniary compensation under the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore.
(l) Residency requirement.
(1) The City Administrator and all heads of departments and bureaus, including presidents of boards and commissions, provided for by this Charter or any other law, and appointed by the Mayor or by the governing board of the department, shall be residents and registered voters of Baltimore City at the time of their appointment and shall remain residents and registered voters during their entire term of office.
(2) The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to those holding office prior to January 1, 1975, as long as they shall retain that office, and further, shall not apply to a City Administrator, a department head, or bureau head appointed after January 1, 1975 who signs a declaration of intent to become a City resident and registered voter within six months of the date of appointment. If that department or bureau head fails to abide by this declaration of intent, then the appointment shall be terminated.