City of Baltimore
Charter of Baltimore City

§ 60. Department of Education: Board of School Commissioners – Established, composition, etc.

(a) Composition; Appointment; Terms.

The Board of School Commissioners shall consist of nine persons, who shall be appointed, must be confirmed, and shall serve, pursuant to Article IV, Section 6.

The terms of five members shall expire on the last day of the year in which the term of the Mayor begins pursuant to Article IV, Section 1, and the four year terms of four members shall expire two years thereafter.

(b) President.

The Mayor shall designate one member of the Board as its President, and may withdraw such designation and so designate another member.

(c) Member qualifications.

The members of the Board shall be registered voters and residents of Baltimore City at the time, and during the term of their appointment.

(d) Political and religious ties disregarded.

Notwithstanding Article IV, Section 8, in the selection of the members of the Board and in their actions in the administration of the public schools, ecclesiastical and party ties shall not be regarded, so that the public schools may be entirely out of the field of political and religious differences and controversies.