§ 91. Department of Legislative Reference: Director – Nominating Board.
(a) Ad hoc board.
There is a{n ad hoc nominating} board of the Department of Legislative Reference, which from time to time shall be established pursuant to this section.
(b) Composition of board.
(1) The board shall be composed of 3 members. The Mayor, the President of the City Council, and the Comptroller shall each appoint 1 member to the board.
(2) The board shall be appointed without regard to political affiliation, and is not subject to the requirements of Article IV, § 8. {"Minority party representation"} of this Charter.
(3) No member of the board may be a City employee or an elected official other than a member of the judiciary.
(4) The board shall elect a chair from among its members.
(c) Filling a vacancy.
(1) Whenever the Mayor and the President of the City Council find that the position of Director of Legislative Reference is vacant, the board shall be appointed within 6 weeks of that finding.
(2) The board shall be responsible for all activities by which candidates to fill the vacancy are solicited, investigated, interviewed, and recommended for appointment.
(3) The board shall recommend no less than 2, and no more than 3, candidates for appointment to the Mayor and the President of the City Council.
(4) Upon the appointment of the Director of Legislative Reference, the board shall be deemed dissolved and its work completed.