City of Baltimore
Charter of Baltimore City

§ 94. Civil Service Commission: Established.

(a) Appointment, term, qualifications.

There is a Civil Service Commission of three members who shall be appointed, must be confirmed and shall serve pursuant to Article IV, Section 6.

The terms of two members shall expire on the last day of the year in which the term of the Mayor begins pursuant to Article IV, Section 1, and the four year term of the third member shall expire two years thereafter.

Each member of the Commission shall be a registered voter and resident of the City at the time, and during the term, of appointment. All appointments to the Commission shall be made from persons friendly to the merit system of appointment to office. No one holding any public office of profit shall be appointed a member of the Commission.

(b) President.

The Mayor shall designate one member of the Commission as its President, and may withdraw that designation and so designate another member.

(c) Staff.

The Commission may appoint such employees as may be provided in the Ordinance of Estimates.