§ 14-14. Powers and duties.
(a) In general.
The Commission is charged with the responsibility of assisting the Office of Aging and other units of City government in the coordination of an effective program of services to and opportunities for older individuals.
(b) Duties of the Commission.
In coordination and consultation with the Office, the Commission shall:
(1) review and propose improvements to existing City programs;
(2) research and recommend new programs; and
(3) evaluate current programs and proposed legislation to determine their impact on older individuals.
(c) Report on findings.
The Commission shall routinely brief the Director on programs and policies concerning older individuals as reflected in:
(1) the Ordinance of Estimates;
(2) other ordinances; or
(3) administrative policies of the Office and other units of City government.
(d) Hearings and studies.
As appropriate, the Commission shall hold hearing and undertake surveys and studies to:
(1) evaluate existing municipal programs for older individuals; and
(2) make recommendations for the improvement of existing municipal programs to the Director.
(e) Evaluation of how information is disseminated.
The Commission shall:
(1) evaluate the methods by which information concerning available municipal programs for older individuals is disseminated; and
(2) recommend communication improvements to the Director.
(f) Annual report.
The Commission shall submit an annual report to the Mayor and City Council on its activities.