§ 22-17. Trauma-Informed Care Task Force – Composition.
(a) In general.
The Task Force comprises 37 members, 30 of whom are appointed by the Mayor under Article IV, § 6 of the City Charter and 7 of whom are ex-officio members.
(b) Appointed members.
Of the 30 members appointed by the Mayor:
(1) 3 shall be youth representatives from a youth-led advocacy group in Baltimore City;
(2) 2 shall be individuals with at least one child enrolled in the Baltimore City Public School System;
(3) 1 shall be a licensed clinician with an expertise in trauma and healing;
(4) 2 shall be members of the research community with an expertise in trauma and healing;
(5) 1 shall be a representative of an organization with an explicit focus on racial equity in its organizational mission statement;
(6) 1 shall be an individual between 14 and 25 years of age;
(7) 1 shall be a individual licensed to practice in the State of Maryland as a physician with a specialty in pediatrics;
(8) 1 shall be a representative of an organization with an explicit focus on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) advocacy in its organizational mission statement;
(9) 1 shall be a naturalized citizen or a resident alien;
(10) 1 shall be an individual who has recently exited from the Maryland correctional system;
(11) 1 shall be an employee of the Baltimore City Public School System;
(12) 3 shall be representatives from community organizations, nonprofit organizations, or youth organizations that have an expertise in trauma and healing;
(13) 2 shall be educators within the Baltimore City Public School System;
(14) 2 shall be individuals licensed to practice in the State of Maryland as social workers; and
(15) 8 shall be recommended by the City Council President as follows:
(i) 2 City Councilmembers as follows:
(A) 1 Councilmember with experience as an educator within the Baltimore City Public School System, who shall serve as co-chair if appointed; and
(B) 1 Councilmember with experience as a parent of a student within the Baltimore City Public School System;
(ii) 1 youth representative from a youth-led advocacy group in Baltimore City;
(iii) 1 representative of an organization with an explicit focus on racial equity in its organizational mission statement;
(iv) 1 licensed clinician with an expertise in trauma and healing; and
(v) 3 representatives from community organizations, nonprofit organizations, or youth-led or youth-oriented organizations that have an expertise in trauma and healing.
(c) Ex-officio (or designate) members.
The 7 ex-officio members of the Task Force are:
(1) the Director of the Office;
(2) the Commissioner of the Baltimore City Department of Health or the Commissioner's designee;
(3) the Director of the Department of Planning or the Director's designee;
(4) the Director of the Department of Recreation and Parks or the Director's designee;
(5) the Commissioner of the Department of Housing and Community Development or the Commissioner's designee;
(6) the City Council President; and
(7) the Youth Commission Chair.