City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 26-4. Composition.

(a) In general.

The Task Force shall consist of 27 members.

(b) Public members.

16 members shall be appointed by the Mayor pursuant to Article IV, § 6 of the City Charter:

(1) 3 members shall be non-profit or public community social workers;

(2) 1 member shall be a representative of a community organization;

(3) 1 member shall be a representative of the business community;

(4) 1 member shall be a senior citizen;

(5) 1 member shall be a community psychiatric nurse, nurse practitioner, or a physician;

(6) 1 member shall be a public assistance client;

(7) 1 member shall be a victim of violence;

(8) 1 member shall be a family member of a victim of violent crime;

(9) 1 member shall be an ex-offender;

(10) 1 member shall be a community public school teacher;

(11) 1 representative from the Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance; and

(12) 3 other representatives from the Baltimore City religious community.

(c) Agency representatives.

Representatives from the following City agencies shall serve as members of the Task Force who shall serve ex officio:

(1) a Mayor's representative;

(2) a representative of the City Council;

(3) Police Department –– a community relations officer;

(4) Health Commissioner or representative designated by the Commissioner;

(5) Commission on Aging and Retirement Education;

(6) Baltimore Development Corporation;

(7) Office of Employment Development;

(8) Department of Planning;

(9) Department of Housing and Community Development;

(10) Department of Human Resources;

(11) Law Department;

(12) Community Relations Commission;

(13) Department of Education;

(14) a representative from the Mayor's Interagency Task Force on Youth Violence Prevention; and

(15) a representative from the Baltimore City Department of Social Services.

(d) City Council Districts.

Of the members appointed under subsection (b), 1 shall be appointed from each of the 6 Councilmanic districts.

(e) Residency.

Members appointed by the Mayor shall be residents of Baltimore City.