§ 28-3. Powers of Authority.
(a) In general.
The powers of the Authority shall be broadly interpreted to allow the Authority to achieve the purposes of Article II, § (64) of the City Charter and this subtitle.
(b) Enumeration.
In addition to any other powers specified in this subtitle, the Authority may:
(1) acquire, lease, or hold both real and personal property for the purposes of the Authority;
(2) engage the services of an Executive Director, which may be an individual or an entity, to administer the programs and undertakings of the Authority;
(3) sue and be sued;
(4) accept grants and other revenue from individuals and public or private foundations, agencies, organizations, and entities necessary or beneficial to carry out the purposes of the Authority;
(5) borrow funds for purposes consistent with the public purposes of the Authority;
(6) incur limited-obligation debt that shall be an obligation solely of the Authority;
(7) create and enter into partnerships and contracts with the Baltimore City Public Schools to provide services and benefits in exchange for payments in cash or in kind or without charge;
(8) contract for and purchase goods and services without being subject to approval by the Board of Estimates, but subject to the provisions of Article 5 of the City Code governing the prevailing wage and governing City policy on encouraging and achieving goals for Minority and Women's Business Enterprises' participation in the contracting activities of the Authority;
(9) implement the programs and goals of the Authority directly through employees, or through 1 or more contracts, which contracts may be with independent contractors or contractual employees;
(10) appoint, hire, or engage such auditors, accountants, attorneys, assistants, aides, employees, and advisors as it deems necessary and consistent with this subtitle; and
(11) do all other things necessary or convenient to carry out the purposes and powers of the Authority.
(c) Exemptions.
(1) In general.
To the extent not specifically made subject to laws and procedures that would otherwise apply to any unit of the City government, the Authority is exempt from those laws and procedures.
(2) City funding.
However, if the Authority is given direct City funding, the receipt and expenditure of those funds are subject to the powers and authority of the Board of Estimates.