City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 49-2. Members.

(a) In general.

The Commission consists of 34 members. Of these, 22 members are appointed by the Mayor in accordance with Article IV, § 6 of the Baltimore City Charter, 4 members are appointed by the President of the City Council, and 8 members serve ex officio.

(b) Appointed members.

Of the 26 appointed members, 2 shall be appointed from each of the following categories:

(1) Charitable foundations (2 by Mayor).

(2) Business community (2 by Mayor).

(3) Faith community (1 by Mayor, 1 by Council President).

(4) Recovery community (2 by Mayor).

(5) Community-based organizations (2 by Mayor).

(6) Local universities and university researchers (1 by Mayor, 1 by Council President).

(7) Community, infected and affected (1 by Mayor, 1 by Council President).

(8) Physicians (2 by Mayor).

(9) Prevention providers (1 by Mayor, 1 by Council President).

(10) Treatment providers (2 by Mayor).

(11) Mental health providers (2 by Mayor).

(12) Correctional institution (2 by Mayor).

(13) Criminal justice system, including juvenile justice (2 by Mayor).

(c) Ex officio members.

The 8 ex-officio members of the Commission are the following or their designated representatives:

(1) Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene.

(2) Director of State AIDS Administration.

(3) President of the Baltimore City Board of School Commissioners.

(4) Health Commissioner.

(5) a person appointed by the Health Commissioner.

(6) President of the City Council.

(7) Director of the Department of Social Services.

(8) Commissioner of Housing.