City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 50-2. Members.

(a) In general.

(1) The Commission consists of 21 members.

(2) Of these:

(i) 19 members serve ex officio; and

(ii) 2 members are appointed by the Mayor in accordance with Article IV, § 6 of the Baltimore City Charter.

(b) Ex officio members.

The ex officio members are the following or their designated representatives:

(1) Mayor.

(2) President of the City Council.

(3) Director, Department of Human Resources.

(4) Labor Commissioner.

(5) Director, Department of Finance.

(6) Budget Chief, Department of Finance.

(7) Chief, Fire Department

(8) Executive Director, Commission on the Aging and Retirement Education.

(9) Executive Director, Employees' Retirement System.

(10) Executive Director, Fire and Police Employees' Retirement System.

(11) President, Metropolitan Baltimore Council, AFL-CIO.

(12) President, Managerial and Professional Society of Baltimore, Inc.

(13) President, Baltimore Teachers Union.

(14) President, City Union of Baltimore.

(15) President, American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, Local 44.

(16) President, Baltimore Fire Fighters Association, Local 734.

(17) President, Baltimore City Fire Fighters, Local 964.

(18) President, Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge #3.

(19) Commissioner, Baltimore City Police Department.

(c) Appointed members.

Of the appointed members:

(1) 1 must be an active City employee; and

(2) 1 must be a retired City employee.