§ 55-3. Advisory Commission membership.
(a) In general.
(1) The Advisory Commission consists of 15 members.
(2) Of these:
(i) 7 members are appointed by the Mayor in accordance with Article IV, § 6 of the Baltimore City Charter; and
(ii) 8 members are ex-officio members.
(b) Appointed members.
The 7 appointed members of the Advisory Commission are as follows:
(1) 2 members representing:
(i) animal rescue groups; or
(ii) animal advocacy organizations;
(2) 2 at-large members, nominated by the Mayor;
(3) 1 member of the City Council, nomimated by the President of the City Council, and;
(4) 2 at-large members, nominated by the President of the City Council.
(c) Ex-officio members.
The 8 ex-officio members are the following, or their designated representatives:
(1) the Mayor;
(2) the President of the City Council;
(3) the State's Attorney for Baltimore City;
(4) the Baltimore City Sheriff;
(5) the Police Commissioner;
(6) the Health Commissioner;
(7) the Director of the Bureau of Animal Control; and
(8) the Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director, or Director of an animal shelter operating within the boundaries of the City.
(d) Appointment without regard to political affiliation.
The appointment of members must be made without regard to political affiliation.