City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 6-17. Smoking, etc., near explosives.

(a) In general.

It shall be unlawful for any person to smoke, carry, or have any lighted match, pipe, cigar, or cigarette, or carry or use any portable open light in or upon any wharf, shed, pier, or warehouse on any wharf or pier, or on the deck of any vessel lying at or along side of any wharf or pier or on or near any vessel loading or unloading explosives lying at or along side of any wharf or pier.

(b) Penalties.

Any person violating the provisions of this section or of any other provisions of §§ 1-1 through 6-17, inclusive, of this article, for which no penalty is prescribed, shall, upon conviction thereof, be liable to a fine of not less than $5 nor more than $25.