§ 17-2. Board.
(a) Composition.
(1) The Board shall be composed of 6 members and shall be a part of the Department of Housing and Community Development.
(2) Of the 6 Board members:
(i) 1 shall be the Commissioner of Housing and Community Development or his representative, ex officio;
(ii) 3 shall be practicing master electricians licensed in the City of Baltimore, 1 of whom shall be a member of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local Union No. 24; and
(iii) 2 members shall be from the general public.
(3) The Commissioner or his representative shall not have a vote.
(4) All appointments to the Board shall be made without regard to political affiliation.
(b) Appointment.
Members of the Board shall be appointed by the Mayor under the provisions of Article IV, § 6 of the Baltimore City Charter.
(c) Residency.
Each member shall be a resident of Baltimore City during his entire term.
(d) Term; vacancies.
(1) The term of the members is 4 years concurrent with the Mayor's term of office.
(2) Should any vacancy occur from any cause during the term of any member, the Mayor shall appoint a person from the categories above provided, to fill such vacancy.
(3) In no event shall any member of the Board be appointed for more than 2 consecutive full terms.
(e) Removal.
The Mayor has the power to remove any member of the Board under the provisions of Article IV, § 6 of the Baltimore City Charter.
(f) Officers.
(1) The Mayor shall appoint one member of the Board to act as chairperson to serve as chairperson at the pleasure of the Mayor.
(2) The members of the Board may elect other officers and adopt such rules and bylaws for the transaction of business of the Board as they may deem expedient.
(g) Compensation.
Each member of the Board shall receive compensation as provided in the Ordinance of Estimates.
(h) Meetings; rules and regulations; duties.
(1) The Board shall meet at least twice a month and shall hold special meetings as frequently as the proper and efficient discharge of its business shall require.
(2) Subject to Title 4 {"Administrative Procedure Act – Regulations"} of the City General Provisions Article, the Board shall adopt rules and regulations for:
(i) the examination of master or maintenance electricians as herein defined; and
(ii) the maintaining or servicing or the placing, installing; and operating electrical wires, appliances, apparatus, or construction in, upon, and about buildings in the City of Baltimore.
(3) The Board shall give timely notice of meetings.
(4) The Board shall give in writing to the chief of the municipal electrical inspectors of Baltimore City a detailed statement of all the licenses issued, renewed or revoked at any meeting of the Board.
(5) Subject to Title 4 {"Administrative Procedure Act – Regulations"} of the City General Provisions Article, the Board may adopt rules and regulations to carry out the provisions of this subtitle.