City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 2-2. Department; Commissioner.

(a) Department established.

There shall be a Department of Housing and Community Development, the head of which shall be the Commissioner of Housing and Community Development, who shall be appointed by the Mayor in the manner prescribed in Article IV, § 6 of the Charter of Baltimore City (1964 Revision) and shall hold office as therein provided.

(b) Staff.

(1) The Commissioner may appoint or employ such assistants and employees as may be necessary for the proper performance of the duties and functions of the Department of Housing and Community Development and may delegate to them such powers and duties as he may deem proper.

(2) The compensation of the said Commissioner of Housing and Community Development and of the said assistants and employees shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Estimates and shall be paid as provided in the annual Ordinance of Estimates.