City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 4-8. Registration fees.

(a) Rooming houses.

(1) Base fee.

Except as otherwise specified in this section, an annual registration fee must be paid for rooming houses at the rate of $25 per rooming unit.

(2) Increased fee.

For any rooming house that has had the term of its rental dwelling license reduced under § 5-9(c) or (d) {"Rental dwellings: Tiered license terms"} of this article to a 1-year term, the annual registration fee under paragraph (1) of this subsection for each succeeding registration year beginning after the start of each 1-year rental dwelling license term is increased by an additional $15 per rooming unit, which additional amount shall be deposited in the continuing, nonlapsing fund created by City Charter Article I, § 14 {"Affordable Housing Trust Fund"}.

(b) Non-owner-occupied dwelling units.

(1) Base fee.

Except as otherwise specified in this section, an annual registration fee must be paid for non-owner-occupied dwelling units at the following rates:

(1) for properties with 1 and 2 dwelling units –

$30 per dwelling unit.

(2) for multiple-family dwellings –

$35 per dwelling unit,
plus $25 per rooming unit.

(2) Increased fee.

For any dwelling that has had the term of its rental dwelling license reduced under § 5-9(c) or (d) {"Rental dwellings: Tiered license terms"} of this article to a 1-year term, the annual registration fee under paragraph (1) of this subsection for each succeeding registration year beginning after the start of each 1-year rental dwelling license term is increased by an additional $15 per dwelling or rooming unit, which additional amount shall be deposited in the continuing, nonlapsing fund created by City Charter Article I, § 14 {"Affordable Housing Trust Fund"}.

(c) Vacant structures.

Except as otherwise specified in this section, an annual registration fee, in addition to any fee that might also be required by subsection (a) or (b) of this section, must be paid for vacant structures at the following rates:

(1) for residential structures –

$100 per structure.

(2) for all other structures –

$250 per structure.

(d) When payable.

These fees must all be paid at the time of registration.

(e) Exceptions.

No fee is charged for:

(1) any dwelling unit, rooming house, or vacant structure that is owned by a governmental entity or an instrumentality or unit of a governmental entity; or

(2) any dwelling unit that is not in a vacant structure and is owned by a nonprofit religious, charitable, or educational institution or organization.