§ 1-3. District created; boundaries.
(a) In general.
(1) Pursuant to the Enabling Legislation, and within the boundaries authorized by that law, the "Downtown Management District" is created.
(2) The boundaries of the District are as set forth on Exhibit A to this subtitle.
(b) Expansions.
The District may be expanded (and as so expanded, shall be deemed included within the term "District" as used hereafter), in 1 or more resolutions of this Council, up to, but not beyond, the boundaries authorized in the Enabling Legislation upon a recommendation from the governing board of the Authority created by this subtitle which is endorsed by the Board of Estimates of the City.
Editor's Notes
This § 1-3 was amended by Ordinance 09-191, effective July 23, 2009. Section 1 of Ord. 09-191 contains the following “Exhibit A. District Boundaries” setting forth the boundaries of the Downtown Management District.
Exhibit A. District Boundaries
The Boundaries of the Downtown Management District are:
Beginning at the point of intersection of the center lines of Greene Street and Saratoga Street; then, east along the center line of Saratoga Street to a point of intersection with Eutaw Street; then north along the west side of Eutaw Street (and encompassing all properties binding on the west side of Eutaw Street) to intersect with the center line of Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard; then northeast along the center line of Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard to intersect with the center line of Read Street; then southeast along the center line of Read Street to intersect the center line of Park Avenue; then south along the center line of Park Avenue to intersect the center line of Franklin Street; then east along the center line of Franklin Street to intersect with the property line between Lot 4 and Lot 5 of Block 551; then north along that property line continuing across Hamilton Street to intersect with the center line of W. Centre Street; then east on Centre Street to intersect with the center line of I-83; then south and southeast on I-83 to intersect with the center line of the Fallsway; then south on the center line of the Fallsway to a point of intersection with the center line of Pratt Street; then west along the center line of Pratt Street to the center line of Light Street; then south on the center line of Light Street to intersect with the center line of Lee Street; then west on Lee Street to intersect with the center line of Charles Street; then north on Charles Street to intersect with the center fine of Conway Street; then west along the center line of Conway Street to the center line of Sharp Street; then north on the center line of Sharp Street to intersect with the center line of Camden Street; then west along the center line of Camden Street to and past Paca Street and continuing west along the center line of Washington Boulevard to intersect with the center line of Greene Street; then north along the center line of Greene Street to the point of beginning.
Exhibit A-1
{Repealed by Ord. 09-191.}
Ordinance 09-191 modified the District’s boundaries, contingent on “the successful completion of a protest period and, if required, referendum.” See Ord. 09-191, at Section 3.