City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 1-4. Authority created.

(a) In general.

As authorized by the Enabling Legislation, there is hereby created a downtown commercial district management authority to be known as the "Downtown Management Authority for Baltimore City".

(b) Status.

The Authority:

(1) shall not be or constitute or be deemed an agency of the City or the State of Maryland;

(2) shall, to the greatest extent allowable by law, be deemed a special taxing district, and therefore a governmental body, both politic and corporate, exercising only such powers as are provided for in this subtitle;

(3) shall not exercise any power specifically withheld by the terms of either the Enabling Legislation or, if more restrictive, this subtitle.

(c) Interpretation of powers.

However, the powers of the Authority shall be broadly interpreted in order to allow the Authority to achieve the goals of the Enabling Legislation, including the provision of supplementary security and maintenance services, the promotion and marketing of the District, and the provision of amenities in public areas.