City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 11-25. Monument Street.

(a) District established.

The area located within the boundaries set forth in this section is hereby declared to be a Retail Business District and may be referred to as "Monument Street Business District":

Beginning for the same at the point formed by the intersecting center lines of E. Monument Street and N. Milton Avenue; thence running Northerly along said center line 105 feet + to intersect the extended center line of the first 10 foot alley; thence running Westerly along said center line 321 feet + crossing N. Port Street to the center line of N. Montford Avenue; thence running Southerly along said center line 5 feet + to intersect the center line of the 10 foot alley 65 feet + north of E. Monument Street and east of N. Bradford Street; thence running Westerly along said center line 156 feet + intersecting the center line of N. Bradford Street; thence running Northerly along said center line 25 feet + intersecting the center line of the 10 foot alley 90 feet north of E. Monument Street and west of N. Bradford Street; thence running Westerly along said center line 76 feet + intersecting the center line of the 10 foot alley parallel to and approximately 75 feet east of N. Patterson Park Avenue; thence running Southerly along said center line 79 feet + to a point 75 feet Easterly from N. Patterson Park Avenue also known as the lot line between Lots 48 and 49, Ward 7, Section 2, block 1623; thence running Westerly along said lot line 110 feet + intersecting the center line of N. Patterson Park Avenue; thence running Northerly, along said center line 90 feet + intersecting the center line of the 10 foot alley 100 feet north of E. Monument Street and east from N. Madeira Street; thence running Easterly 146 feet + along said center line intersecting the center line of N. Madeira Street; thence running Southerly along said center line 20 feet + intersecting the center line of the 10 foot alley 80 feet + north of E. Monument Street and east of N. Collington Avenue; thence running Westerly along said center line of N. Collington Avenue; thence running Northerly 10 feet + intersecting the extended center line of the 9 foot alley 90 feet north of E. Monument Street; thence running Westerly 298 feet + crossing N. Duncan Street intersecting the center line of N. Chester Street; thence running Northerly along said center line 265 feet + intersecting the center line of E. Madison Street; thence running Westerly along said center line 480 feet + intersecting the center line of N. Washington Street; thence running Southerly 515 feet + along said center line intersecting the extended center line of the 10 foot alley 85 feet south of E. Monument Street and west from N. Castle Street; thence running Easterly 200 feet + along said center line intersecting the center line of N. Castle Street; thence running Southerly 40 feet + along said center line intersecting the extended center line of the 10 foot alley 127 feet + south of E. Monument Street and east of N. Castle Street; thence running Easterly 112 feet + along said center line intersecting the center line of the 10 foot alley 85 feet + south of E. Monument Street; thence running Northerly 43 feet + along said center line intersecting the center line of the 5 foot alley 85 feet south of E. Monument Street; thence running Easterly 92 feet + along said center line intersecting the center line of N. Chester Street; thence running Southerly 280 feet + along said center line intersecting the center line of McElderry Street; thence running northerly 300 feet + along said center line intersecting the extended center line of the 10 foot alley 72 feet south of E. Monument Street; thence running Easterly 175 feet + along said center line to the center line of N. Collington Street; thence running Northerly 45 feet + to a point 27 feet + south of East Monument Street, being also the lot line between Lots 16/17 and 18, Ward 7, Section 14, block 1638; thence running Easterly 77 feet + to the center line of the adjoining 3 feet 8 inch alley; thence running Southerly approximately 24 feet +; thence running 25 feet + Southeasterly to a point that intersects the center line of the adjoining 15 foot + alley 62 feet + south of E. Monument Street; thence running south 65 feet + to the center line of the adjoining 10 foot alley; thence running 85 feet Easterly + to the center line of N. Madeira Street; thence running Northerly 45 feet + to the center line of the 10 foot alley 74 feet + south from E. Monument Street; thence running Easterly 83 feet + to the center line of the adjoining 10 foot alley; thence running Southerly 59 feet to the center line of the 3 foot to 6 foot adjoining alley; thence running Easterly 135 feet+to the center line of N. Patterson Park Avenue; thence running northerly 64 feet + to the center line of the 10 foot alley 75 feet + south of E. Monument Street; thence running 347 feet + crossing N. Bradford Street and Dimling Court to the center line of the adjoining 4 foot alley; thence running Southerly 35 feet + to the center line of the adjoining 6 foot alley; thence running Easterly 53 feet + to the center line of N. Montford Avenue; thence running Northerly 49 feet + crossing N. Port Street to the center line of the adjoining 4 foot 4 inch alley; thence running Easterly 120 feet + to the center line of N. Milton Avenue; thence running Northerly to the point of beginning.

(b) Calculation of fee.

(1) The fee for the Monument Street Business District license shall be based upon the total number of square feet of 1st-floor space, up to a maximum of 6,666 square feet, of a business establishment occupied for retail, service, rental, or professional services rendered by that establishment, whether the premises are owned, leased, or otherwise held by such business establishment.

(2) Parking lots and warehouses are exempt from the payment of any fee. However, storage space incidental to a business establishment's primary business is not exempt hereunder for the purposes of calculation and payment of this license fee.

(3) The Monument Street Business District fee shall be calculated by multiplying the number of square feet of licensable space as specified above for each business establishment by a rate of $0.15 per square foot.

(c) Voting.

(1) Voting on the annual budget shall be by a majority vote of the licensees voting, in person or by proxy, at a meeting called by the Monument Street Merchants' Association for that purpose. Each licensee shall have 1 vote per square foot of licensable space and no vote shall carry except by a majority of votes cast.

(2) All other voting shall be by 1 vote per licensed business establishment.