§ 11-26. Highlandtown.
(a) District established.
The area located within the boundaries set forth in this section is hereby declared to be a Retail Business District and may be referred to as "Highlandtown Business District":
Beginning for the same at the point formed by the intersecting center lines of Eastern Avenue and S. Robinson Street; thence running Southerly on center line of said S. Robinson Street 145 feet + intersecting the extended centerline of the 10 foot alley located 100 feet + south of Eastern Avenue; thence running Easterly, along center line of said 10 foot alley, 205 feet + to intersect the center line of S. East Avenue; thence running Northerly along the last mentioned center line, 10 feet + intersecting the extended center line of the 10 foot alley located 90 feet + south of Eastern Avenue; thence running 220 feet + Easterly along the last mentioned center line to intersect the center line of S. Bouldin Street; thence running Northerly along the last mentioned center line 2 feet + intersecting the extended center line of the 10 foot alley located 88 feet + south from Eastern Avenue; thence running Easterly along the last mentioned center line 111 feet + to intersect the center line of the adjoining 27 foot alley located 72.5 feet east from S. Bouldin Street; thence running Southerly along the last mentioned center line 17 feet + to intersect the center line of the adjoining 10 foot alley located 105 feet + south from Eastern Avenue; thence running Easterly along the last mentioned center line 108 feet + to intersect the center line of S. Clinton Street; thence running Northerly along the last mentioned center line 30 feet + to intersect the extended center line of the 10 foot alley located 75 feet + south from Eastern Avenue; thence running Easterly along the last mentioned center line 175 feet + crossing the eastern right-of-way line of the adjoining 20 foot alley located 80 feet + east from S. Clinton Street, to the extended center line of the 3 foot alley south from Marshall Court; thence running Northerly 6 feet + to the center line of the Marshall Court Driveway; thence running Easterly 100 feet + to intersect the center line of S. Highland Avenue; thence running Southerly 270 feet + to intersect the center line of Fleet Street; thence running Easterly 445 feet + to the center line of S. Conkling Street; thence running Southerly 185 feet + to a point formed by extending the southern property line of Lot 1, Ward 26, Section 9, block 6433; thence running Easterly 265 feet along said property line through the 20 foot alley south of Fleet Street to the center line of Fleet Street; thence running Southerly 5 feet + to the extended southern property line of Lot 26/27, Ward 26, Section 9, block 6434; thence Easterly 180 feet + along said line to the center line of the 10 foot alley south of Fleet Street; thence running Northerly 136 feet + to a point 50 feet + south of the center line of Fleet Street, also known as the lot line between Lots 25K and 25J, Ward 26, Section 9, block 6434; thence running Easterly 195 feet + crossing S. Eaton Street to the center line of the 12 foot alley south of Fleet Street; thence running Southerly 210 feet + to the center line of the adjoining 12 foot alley; thence running Easterly 70 feet + to the center line of the adjoining 10 foot alley; thence running northerly 210 feet + to a point 49 feet 8 inches + south of the center line of Fleet Street, also known as the lot line between Lots 35 and 36, Ward 26, Section 9, block 6435; thence running Easterly 100 feet + to the center line of Fagley Street; thence running Southerly 136 feet + to a point formed by extending the lot line between Lots 1 and 1A, Ward 26, Section 9, block 6436; thence running Easterly along said line 132 feet + to the center line of the 14 foot alley abutting the north property line of Lot 5A, Ward 26, Section 9, block 6436 at a point 185 feet + south of the center line of Fleet Street; thence running north 134 feet + to a point 49 feet + south of the center line of Fleet Street, also known as the lot line between Lots 33 and 34, Ward 26, Section 9, block 6436; thence running Easterly 102 feet + crossing Grundy Street to a point 45 feet 4 1/2 inches + south of Fleet Street, also known as the lot line between Lots 1 and 2, Ward 26, Section 9, block 6437; thence running Easterly 102 feet + to the center line of the adjoining 10 foot alley; thence running Southerly 330 feet + to the center line of Foster Avenue; thence running 125 feet + Easterly to the center line of S. Haven Street; thence running northerly 378 feet + to the center line of Fleet Street; thence running Easterly 245 feet + to the center line of the unnamed 17 foot S. Iris Avenue right-of-way; thence running Northerly 365 feet + to the center line of Eastern Avenue; thence running Westerly 235 feet + to the center line of S. Haven Street; thence running Northerly 360 feet + to the center line of Bank Street; thence running Westerly 815 feet + to the center line of Eaton Street; thence running Northerly 185 feet + to the center line of Chestle Place; thence running Westerly 315 feet to the center line of S. Dean Street; thence running Southerly 90 feet + to a point 94 feet+north from Bank Street, also known as the extended lot line between Lots 14 and 50, Ward 26, Section 16, Block 6312; thence running Westerly 85 feet + to a point 94 feet + north from Bank Street, also known as the western property line of said Lot 50; thence running Southerly 25 feet + to a point 65 feet + north from Bank Street, also known as the northern lot line of Lot 17, Ward 26, Section 16, block 6312; thence running Westerly 110 feet + to the center line of S. Conkling Street; thence running Northerly 53 feet + to a point formed by extending the center line of the 10 foot alley north from Bank Street; thence running Westerly 290 feet + to the center line of Baylis Street; thence running Southerly 135 feet + to the center line of Bank Street; thence running Westerly 250 feet + to the center line of S. Highland Avenue; thence running Northerly 135 feet + to a point 240 feet + Southerly from the center line of Gough Street, also known as the extended lot line between Lots 34 and 35, Ward 26, Section 12, block 6299A; thence running Westerly 139 feet + to the center line of the 15 foot alley Easterly from S. Clinton Street; thence running Southerly 427 feet + crossing Bank Street to the center line of the adjoining 20 foot alley 185 feet Northerly from Eastern Avenue; thence running Westerly 130 feet + to the center line of S. Clinton Street; thence running Northerly 14 feet + to a point 162 feet + Southerly from the center line of Bank Street; also known as the extended lot line between Lots 20 and 21, Ward 26, Section 12, block 6298; thence running Westerly 123 feet + to the center line of the 10 foot alley Easterly from S. Bouldin Street; thence running Southerly 23 feet + to the center line of the adjoining 20 foot alley; thence running Westerly 13 feet + crossing S. Bouldin Street to the center line of the 10 foot alley Westerly from S. Bouldin Street at a point 185 feet + Southerly from Bank Street; thence running Northerly 25 feet + to a point 160 feet + Southerly from Bank Street, also known as the lot line between Lots 35 and 36, Ward 26, Section 12, block 6297; thence running Westerly 120 feet + to the center line of S. East Avenue; thence running Southerly 5 feet + to a point 165 feet + Northerly from Eastern Avenue, also known as the extended lot line between Lots 80 and 68/69, Ward 1, Section 14, block 1779; thence running Westerly 115 feet + to the center line of the 10 foot alley Easterly from Robinson Street; thence running Southerly 185 feet + to the center line of Eastern Avenue; thence running Easterly along said center line to the point of beginning.
(b) Calculation of fee.
(1) The fee for the Highlandtown Business District License shall be based upon:
(i) for all business establishments other than movie theaters, the total number of square feet of 1st-floor space occupied for retail, service, rental, or professional services by that business establishment; and
(ii) for all movie theaters, whether owned, leased, or otherwise held by such business establishment, 70% of the total number of square feet of 1st-floor space occupied by the theater.
(2) Parking lots and warehouses are exempt from the payment of any fee. However, storage space incidental to a business establishment's primary business is not exempt hereunder for the purposes of calculation and payment of the license fee.
(3) The Highlandtown Business District License fee shall be calculated as follows:
(i) the first 5,000 square feet occupied for business purposes by each business establishment is to be rated at $0.14 per square foot; and
(ii) any square footage in excess of 5,000 square feet shall be rated at $0.07 per square foot.
(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of § 11-7(b) of this subtitle, the license fee due from business establishments shall be calculated by the Highlandtown Merchants' Association and certified to the Commissioner annually.
(c) Voting.
Voting on the annual budget shall be by a majority vote of the licensees voting, in person or by proxy, at a meeting called by the Highlandtown Merchants' Association for this purpose. Each licensee shall have 1 vote per licensed business establishment.