§ 42-2. Human trafficking prevention signs to be posted.
(a) Applicability.
The requirements of this section apply only to:
(1) adult-entertainment businesses;
(2) food service facilities;
(3) hotels; and
(4) permit holders.
(b) In general.
(1) The owner of any business described in subsection (a) of this section must post a sign that states the following:
National Human Trafficking Resource Center
Call 1-888-373-7888 or text "BeFree" (233733)
• is being forced to have sex without consent
• has had an ID or documents taken away
• is being threatened by or is in debt to an employer
• wants to leave a job but cannot freely do so
This sign is required by Baltimore City law"
(2) The sign must:
(i) be at least 3 by 5 inches in size;
(ii) contain the text required under paragraph (1) of this subsection in English and Spanish; and
(iii) draw attention to the phone number of the National Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline by showing the phone number in bold type.
(3) The owner of a business described in subsection (a) of this section may meet the requirements of this subsection:
(i) by creating their own signs, using a font size of not less than 30 points for the hotline numbers and a font size of not less than 12 points for the body text; or
(ii) by using copies of the signs created and made available online by the United States Department of Homeland Security's Blue Campaign website.
(c) Sign location.
(1) Adult-entertainment businesses and food service facilities must post a sign required by this section in a conspicuous place in clear view of the public and employees where similar notices are customarily posted and on the back of the door at the entrance to each restroom.
(2) Permit holders must post the sign required by this section in a conspicuous place in clear view of the public.
(3) Hotels must post the sign required by this section on the back of each hotel room entry door.
(d) Hotels to certify.
Beginning in calendar year 2020, any person who owns or operates a hotel within the City must annually certify to the Housing Commissioner, in the form and manner required by the Department of Housing and Community Development, no later than December 31 of each year, that the hotel is in compliance with this section.