City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 42-2.1. City-owned or -occupied buildings.

(a) In general.

Except as otherwise provided in this section, in each City-owned or -occupied building, at least 1 sign described in § 42-2(b) of this subtitle must be posted in each:

(1) location where the notice required by Subtitle 4 {"Wages and Hours"}, Part V {"Enforcement"} of the State Labor and Employment Article is posted;

(2) public restroom; and

(3) public entranceway or main lobby to the building or portion of the building occupied by the City.

(b) Exceptions.

This section does not apply to:

(1) any City-owned building that is vacant or not in regular use; or

(2) any City-owned building that is occupied by the Baltimore City Public School System.