City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 1-12. Civil violations — City enforcement.

(a) Violations subject to penalties.

The following acts are violations of this subtitle for which civil liability may be imposed:

(1) the offering or performance of frequent or regular services as an auctioneer to any person or organization to evade the provisions of this subtitle;

(2) permitting the use of the licensed auctioneer's name or his flag by any auctioneer not licensed herein. The infrequent or irregular use of the name or flag by an auctioneer licensed in another jurisdiction and employed by a person or organization located in or regularly doing business in said jurisdiction is not a violation of this subsection, provided further that the aforegoing exception has reciprocal effect in said jurisdiction;

(3) failing to designate persons as provided in § 1-6 of this subtitle; and

(4) violations of any other provisions of this subtitle for which no criminal penalties or civil liabilities are specifically imposed.

(b) Penalties; enforcement.

(1) Liability for violations of this section shall not exceed $250 for the 1st offense and $500 for 2nd and subsequent offenses.

(2) Enforcement of said liability shall be made on behalf of the City in a court of competent jurisdiction.