§ 11-1. Definitions.
(a) In general.
In this subtitle, the following terms have the meanings indicated.
(b) Approved recycling facility.
(1) "Approved recycling facility" means a City-owned recycling facility or a private recycling facility so certified by the Director of Public Works, which processes material into a form or forms for reuse and for which an end user exists.
(2) The facility need not be located in the City but it must be certified by the Director, at least semi-annually, as a facility which is not a final disposal site or a transfer station to a final disposal site.
(c) Disposal, dispose, or disposed.
(1) In general.
"Disposal", "dispose", or "disposed" means the complete and ultimate placement of solid waste in a landfill, incinerator, or waste-to-energy facility.
(2) Exclusion.
"Disposal", "dispose", or "disposed" does not include the handling of solid waste at a transfer station or other processing facility where solid waste is not completely and ultimately placed in a landfill, incinerator, or waste-to-energy facility.
(d) Hauler.
(1) "Hauler" means any person who contracts to provide services for collecting or transporting solid waste to a disposal site.
(2) For the purposes of this subtitle, "hauler" also means any person with a valid demolition permit issued by the Commissioner of Housing and Community Development.
(e) Person.
(1) In general.
"Person" has the meaning stated in § 1-107(a) {"Person: In general"} of the City Code's General Provisions Article.
(2) Inclusion of governmental entities.
Notwithstanding § 1-107(b) {"Person: Exclusion"} of the General Provisions Article, in this subtitle "person"also includes a governmental entity or an instrumentality or unit of a governmental entity.
(f) Recyclable materials.
"Recyclable materials" means materials:
(1) not destined for final disposal and for which an end user exists;
(2) which would otherwise become solid waste for disposal in a solid waste acceptance facility; and
(3) are collected, separated, or processed and returned to the marketplace in the form of raw materials or products.
(g) Residue.
"Residue" means the material (including, but not limited to, fly ash, bottom ash, and siftings) remaining after the processing of solid waste and after removal of any recyclable materials.
(h) Self hauler.
(1) "Self hauler" means any person who collects, transports, and disposes of solid waste generated by that person.
(2) "Self hauler" does not include any person occupying residential property who collects, transports, and disposes of solid waste resulting from the residential use of such property.
(i) Solid waste.
(1) "Solid waste" means garbage, rubbish, refuse, hazardous waste, asbestos, medical waste, rubble, incinerator ash, ash, trash, and other material generated by commercial, industrial, institutional, and residential establishments.
(2) "Solid waste" does not include:
(i) significant pollutants, such as silt or sediment in water resources;
(ii) any recyclable materials; or
(iii) residue from a waste-to-energy facility.
(j) Solid waste acceptance facility.
"Solid waste acceptance facility" means any:
(1) sanitary landfill;
(2) transfer facility;
(3) central processing facility;
(4) incinerator;
(5) medical/pathological waste incinerator;
(6) waste-to-energy facility; or
(7) any other type of facility that accepts solid waste for disposal, treatment, processing, composting, compacting, or transfer to a solid waste acceptance facility.
(k) Solid waste generator.
"Solid waste generator" means any person engaged in an enterprise which generates solid waste requiring collection and hauling to a disposal site.