§ 11-2. Haulers disposal surcharge . {Section subject to abrogation}
(a) Surcharge imposed.
Except as otherwise provided in § 11-7 {"Exemptions"} of this subtitle, there is a solid waste hauler disposal surcharge imposed on every hauler or solid waste generator who disposes of or causes to be disposed any solid waste in Baltimore City.
(b) Rate.
(1) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection, the solid waste hauler disposal surcharge is levied at a rate of $7.50 per ton of solid waste, as determined by the actual weight obtained from the scales located at the solid waste acceptance facility.
(2) The Board of Estimates shall establish an appropriate differential surcharge for small haulers licensed under Title 7, Subtitle 2, of the City Health Code.
(c) Collection.
The solid waste hauler disposal surcharge shall be paid by the hauler and collected by the operator at the solid waste acceptance facility for each ton of solid waste that is disposed in Baltimore City.