City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 2-12. Water-for-All Program – Enrollment confirmation.

On a customer's enrollment into the Water-for-All Discount Program, the Department shall provide the customer with a written statement that sets forth:

(1) the estimated annual and monthly bill without the Water-for-All Credit;

(2) the amount of the Water-for-All Credit;

(3) the estimated annual and monthly bill with the Water-for-All Credit to be applied;

(4) the monthly bill due date;

(5) the amount of pre-Water-for-All Credit arrears that were accrued prior to enrollment;

(6) the requirement that bills issued must be paid;

(7) a brief explanation of the consequences of nonpayment;

(8) a brief explanation of the elimination of pre-enrollment arrears on timely payments, as provided in § 2-13 {"Water-for-All ... – Program arrears"} of this subtitle;

(9) a brief explanation of the duty to remain eligible or to notify the Department immediately if the customer becomes ineligible; and

(10) a brief explanation of the annual recertification requirement for continued participation.