City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 2-18. Office of Customer Advocacy . . . – Administration.

(a) Office Administrator.

The head of the Office, who shall supervise and direct the Office's personnel and operations, is the Office Administrator, to be appointed by the Mayor in accordance City Charter Article IV, § 6.

(b) Office staff.

The Office Administrator may appoint the Office's Customer Advocates and supporting staff, as provided in the Ordinance of Estimates.

(c) Qualifications of Office officials.

The Office's Administrator and Customer Advocates must:

(1) be impartial;

(2) be knowledgeable about water and wastewater services, water usage, billing practices, and billing procedures; and

(3) have substantial experience in dispute resolution, consumer protection, and the delivery of public services.

(d) Salary; benefits.

(1) The Office's Administrator, Customer Advocates, and supporting staff are entitled to compensation as provided in the Ordinance of Estimates.

(2) The Office's Administrator, Customer Advocates, and supporting staff are entitled to participate in any City-sponsored benefits program to the same extent and under the same terms as other City officers and employees.

(e) Office employees.

Office employees:

(1) may not be made to suffer any adverse employment action without cause; and

(2) to avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest:

(i) may not be required to get prior approval from DPW officials or employees for Office reviews, reports, or recommendations; and

(ii) shall have only limited communications with DPW employees, as needed to fulfill the Office's customer fairness mandate.