City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 40-38. Street typologies.

(a) In General.

The Complete Streets Manual must include Complete Streets street typologies for classifying City streets.

(b) Considerations.

In creating street typologies, the Transportation Director, in consultation with the Advisory Committee, must consider:

(1) roadway form and function, including traffic volume, speed, and functional classification;

(2) intersections and crossings;

(3) bridges and overpasses;

(4) loading zones;

(5) overlays, including for transit streets, truck routes, and fire and emergency routes;

(6) existing land use;

(7) zoning designations;

(8) public space guidelines;

(9) stormwater management;

(10) green infrastructure;

(11) "Main Streets", as part of the Baltimore Main Streets program;

(12) public art;

(13) arts districts;

(14) historic preservation;

(15) plans formally adopted by the Planning Commission; and

(16) any other necessary considerations.