Part V
Complete Streets Manual
Editor's Notes
As indicated in the earlier Editor’s Note to Subtitle, Section 3(1) of Ord. 18-197 provided for the preceding Part V of this subtitle to became effective on that Ordinance’s date of enactment (December 3, 2018) – several months before the delayed effective date set for the rest of this title by Section 5 of Ord. 18-197, as amended by Ord. 19-303 (September 30, 2019).
Section 3 also mandated several activities to be undertaken even during the interim between the two effective dates. Specifically, Section 3(2) et seq., as subsequently amended by Ord. 19-303, provides for the following activities and their respective deadlines:
(2) On or before October 16, 2019, the Transportation Director, in consultation with the Complete Streets Advisory Committee, shall publish and present to the Transportation Committee a Community Engagement Plan, containing a description of the methods of community engagement to be used to obtain public input. The Plan must include methods to overcome barriers to engagement associated with race, income, age, disability, English language proficiency, and vehicle access and include a means of measuring success in overcoming these barriers. The Plan should demonstrate an earnest application of the recommendations set forth in the ... Letter from Councilmember Ryan Dorsey to then-Transportation Director Mchelle Pourciau (October 19, 2018).
(3) On or before April 1, 2020, the Transportation Director shall, in consultation with the Complete Streets Advisory Committee, propose and publish for public comment a proposed Complete Streets Manual, in accordance with City Code, Article 26, Subtitle 40, Part V, as enacted by this Ordinance.
(4) On or before July 1, 2020, the Transportation Director shall adopt and publish a Complete Streets Manual.
(5) From the date of the enactment of this Ordinance and until the Transportation Director has adopted and published the Complete Streets Manual, the Chair of the Complete Streets Advisory Committee shall provide to the Transportation Committee written bi-weekly progress reports on development of the Complete Streets Manual and on the status of community engagement related to the implementation of this Ordinance.