City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 2-3. Permitted uses of Fund.

Money in the Watershed Protection and Restoration Fund may be used for the following purposes only:

(1) capital improvements for stormwater management, including stream and wetland restoration projects;

(2) operation and maintenance of the City stormwater management system and facilities;

(3) public education and outreach relating to stormwater management or stream and wetland restoration;

(4) stormwater management planning, including:

(i) mapping and assessment of impervious surfaces; and

(ii) monitoring, inspection, and enforcement activities to carry out the purposes of the Fund;

(5) to the extent that fees imposed under the authority of State Environment Article § 4-204 are deposited into the Fund, review of stormwater management plans and permit applications for future development;

(6) grants to nonprofit organizations for up to 100% of a project's costs for watershed restoration and rehabilitation projects relating to:

(i) planning, design, and construction of stormwater management practices;

(ii) stream and wetland restoration; and

(iii) public education and outreach related to stormwater management or stream and wetland restoration;

(7) reasonable costs necessary to administer the Fund; and

(8) any other use authorized by the Enabling Law.