§ 5-4. Excess revenues.
(a) Optional use.
After each fiscal year of operation, if it appears that there will be revenues in excess of those budgeted for that fiscal year:
(1) the Board of Estimates may authorize additional expenditures for the following fiscal year or years, in an amount not exceeding the excess revenues, for uses permitted by § 2-3 {"Permitted uses of Fund"} of this article; or
(2) on recommendation of the Directors of Finance and Public Works, the Board of Estimates may decrease for the following fiscal year or years the rates for the stormwater remediation fee.
(b) Expenditures subject to appropriation procedures.
All additional expenditures of the stormwater utility are subject to the appropriation procedures provided in City Charter Article VI {"Board of Estimates"}.
(c) No reversion, etc., to general fund.
Money in the Watershed Protection and Restoration Fund may not revert or be transferred to the general fund of the City.