§ 14-19. Valet parking plan.
(a) In general.
The application must be accompanied by a valet parking plan that contains the following information.
(b) Times of operation; occupancy.
The plan must specify:
(1) the days of the week and the hours of those days during which valet parking services will be provided; and
(2) the host's seating or other occupancy capacity.
(c) Photos of location.
(1) The plan must include photographs of the proposed valet parking zone, including the curb space and roadway.
(2) The number of photographs and the views to be shown are as set forth in the rules and regulations adopted under this subtitle.
(d) Pattern of drop-off and pick-up.
The Plan must describe the proposed pattern of drop-off and pick-up of vehicles.
(e) Location of off-street parking facility.
(1) The plan must identify, by name, address, telephone number, and, if available, email address, the off-street parking facility at which vehicles will be parked.
(2) The parking facility must be:
(i) licensed to the extent required by City Code Article 15, Subtitle 12 {"Parking Facilities"}; and
(ii) located within a 1-mile radius of the valet parking zone.
(3)(i) Unless the parking facility is on the host's premises or otherwise owned or controlled by the host, the plan must include a copy of the lease or other agreement that authorizes the facility's use for valet parking services.
(ii) The lease or other agreement must specify:
(A) the total number of parking spaces at the facility; and
(B) the number of those spaces that are set aside for the exclusive use of vehicles from the valet parking service.
(f) Traffic flow.
The plan must specify the route(s) to be driven between the valet parking zone and the off-street parking facility.
(g) Number of vehicles, employees.
The plan must state:
(1) the estimated number of vehicles that will be valet parked during each hour of operation; and
(2) the estimated number of employees or agents that will provide valet parking services during each hour of operation.
(h) Site manager.
The plan must provide the name(s), the daytime and nighttime telephone numbers, and the email address(es) of the individual(s) who will manage the valet parking services at the location.
(i) Notice to public.
The plan must contain verification that advance written notice of the application and valet parking plan has been provided to:
(1) the owners of the properties adjoining the host property;
(2) the owners of the properties immediately across the street from the host property;
(3) the neighborhood associations on file with the Department of Planning as representing the affected area; and
(4) the Councilmember(s) who represent the affected area..
(j) Other information.
The plan must include any other information required by the rules and regulations adopted under this subtitle.