§ 14-20. Public notice; objections; hearing.
(a) Posting required.
On filing an application and valet parking plan for a permit (other than a renewal permit), the applicant must post the proposed host property for 15 days, in accordance with the rules and regulations adopted under this subtitle.
(b) 9 or fewer objections.
If, within the 15-day posting period, the Director of Transportation receives no more than 9 written objections from property owners or residents within the same election precinct as the proposed host property, the valet parking zone permit may be issued as provided in this subtitle.
(c) 10 or more objections.
(1) If, within the 15-day posting period, the Director of Transportation receives 10 or more written objections from property owners or residents within the same election precinct as the proposed host property, the Director of Transportation must hold a hearing on the matter.
(2) Unless the applicant agrees to a later date, the hearing must be held within 15 days after the last day of the 15-day posting period.
(3) Written notice of the hearing shall be provided by first class mail at least 15 days prior to the hearing to all persons listed in § 14-19(i) of this subtitle.
(4) At the hearing, parties in interest and citizens must be given an opportunity to be heard.
(d) Decision.
(1) The Director of Transportation must notify the applicant in writing of his or her decision to grant or deny the permit as follows:
(i) if no hearing is held under § 14-20(c) of this subtitle, within 15 days after the last day of the 15-day posting period; and
(ii) if a hearing is held under § 14-20(c) of this subtitle, within 15 days after conclusion of the hearing.
(2) Any denial of a permit must be based solely on the qualifications, standards, and considerations set forth in this subtitle.
(3) A notice of denial must:
(i) specify the reasons for the denial; and
(ii) notify the applicant of the opportunity to appeal the denial of the permit under § 14-46 {"Administrative appeals"} of this subtitle.